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Customize reports in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit126 Updated a day ago

Learn how to get the most out of your financial reports.

With QuickBooks Online Advanced, you can create your own reports using Custom Report Builder.

Financial reports in QuickBooks give you tons of great info about your business. There are many ways to customize your reports. Filter them to show specific accounts or customers, or format the layout so the right data shows up in the right place. Here's how to customize reports and focus on the details that matter the most to you.

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Some of your reports will look different depending on whether they're in the classic view or Magic wand icon. new enhanced experience. Learn more about the new enhanced experience.

Step 1: Run a report

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Find and open a report. Tip: If you have QuickBooks Online Essentials, Plus, or Advanced, you can also run "Detail" versions of standard reports.
  3. Use the basic filters on the report to adjust things like the report dates.
  4. Select Customize.

This opens the customization window.

Step 2: Customize a report

You can apply multiple filters to customize your report. Most reports have the same set of filters. Some filters are only available on certain reports.

Here's an overview of what you can customize:

  • General section: Change things like the accounting method, reporting period, and number format.
  • Rows/Columns section: Choose which rows and columns appear on the report.
  • Filter section: Select which customers, distribution account, vendors, accounts, and products appear on the report.
  • Header/Footer section: Decide what appears in the header and footer.

Save custom reports

Once you have the perfect set of filters, save them so you can run the same report in the future.

  1. After you customize a report, select Save customization.
  2. Give your report a name.
  3. Select Save.

Show specific accounts

  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. Select the Distribution Account dropdown.
  3. Select the boxes for the accounts you want to see on the report.
    This shows account options you can select after you open the customization window. These options are under the filter section and distribution account drop-down menu.
  4. When you're ready, select Run report.
  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. Select the Distribution Account dropdown.
  3. Select the boxes for the accounts you want to see on the report.
  4. When you're ready, select Run report.

View all accounts by type

Instead of individual accounts, you can show all your accounts by type, like assets or accounts payable.

  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. From the Distribution Account dropdown, select one of the All options, like All Asset Accounts.
    This shows options to see all accounts by type. After you open the customization window, select the filter tab and then the distribution account drop-down.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.
  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. From the Distribution Account dropdown, select one of the All options, like All Asset Accounts.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.

Show specific customers, vendors, products, or services

  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. Select the customers, vendors, and products and services you want to include in your report.
    This shows the different filters you can apply to a custom report. After you open the customization window, they're in the filter section.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.
  1. In the Customization window, select the Filter ▼ icon.
  2. From the respective dropdowns ▼, select the customers, vendors, or products and services you want to include in your report.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.

Filter everything by class or location

If you have classes and locations turned on, you can filter report columns by class or location.

  1. In the Customization window, select the Rows/Columns ▼ icon.
  2. From the Columns dropdown, select either Classes or Locations.This shows options to customize your columns. This is in the rows and columns section of the customization window.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.
  1. In the Customization window, select the Rows/Columns ▼ icon.
  2. From the Columns dropdown ▼, select either Classes or Locations.
  3. When you're ready, select Run report.

Step 3: Manage and automate a custom report

See all of your custom reports

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Select the Custom reports tab.
  3. Find and open a report.

Automate custom reports

If you want to get custom reports on a regular basis, schedule them to run automatically:

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there) and select the Custom reports tab.
  2. Find your custom report on the list.
  3. Select Edit from the Action column.
  4. Select Set email schedule to turn it on.
  5. Add the email addresses of who you want to send the report to.
  6. Fill out the form and set the schedule.
  7. Select Save and close.

Show custom reports to specific groups

You can also add reports to a group so only certain people can view it.

  1. After you create a custom report, select Save customization.
  2. From the Add this report to a group dropdown menu, select a group.
  3. Select Save to add the report to the group.
  4. Go to the Reports menu. Then select the Custom reports tab.
  5. Find the group on the list.
  6. Select Edit from the Action column.
  7. Select the Set email schedule option to turn it on.
  8. Add the email addresses of who you want to send the report to.
  9. Fill out the form and set the schedule.
  10. Select Save and close.

Delete a custom report from a group

You can also delete reports from a group.

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there) and select the Custom reports tab.
  2. Find the group on the list.
  3. Select Edit ▼ icon from the Action column for the report you want to delete.
  4. Select Delete and Yes.
Note:This feature is not available in QuickBooks Online Simple Start.

Export a custom report in Excel or PDF format 

You can export a custom report in Excel or PDF format.

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there) and select the Custom reports tab.
  2. Find the custom report on the list.
  3. Select Edit ▼ icon from the Action column for the report you want to export.
  4. Select Export As PDF or Export As Excel.

The report is exported in the pdf or excel format.

Step 4: Share custom reports

You can quickly share PDFs of reports over email. This is the easiest way to share with your team:

  1. On an open report, select the email icon.
    This shows the icons available at the top of a report. Select the email icon to send the report as a pdf in an email.
  2. Select Email.
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Edit the body message so recipients know what to expect.
  5. When you're ready, select Send.

The reports can be shared in excel format. 

Share edit access with team members

If you want to give other file users full access to edit custom reports:

  1. On an open report, select Save customization.
  2. Select a user from the Share with dropdown ▼ menu.
  3. When you're ready, select Save.

Important: Only share reports once. If you share the same report multiple times with users who already have access, you may create duplicate reports.

Next steps: Do more with custom reports

Learn how to get more info out of your custom reports in QuickBooks Online.

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