Archive Inactive Contacts
by Intuit•10• Updated 4 days ago
If you have a lot of inactive subscribed contacts who no longer interact with your email campaigns, you may want to archive them. Archiving removes contacts from your marketing audience without losing any of their data, which can help you lower your costs and focus on your biggest fans.
In this article, you'll learn how to archive inactive contacts.
Before you start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process.
- When you archive a contact, you remove the contact from your marketing audience but don't lose any data. Archived contacts won't count toward your bill and can be unarchived at any time. To learn more, check out Archive or Unarchive Your Contacts.
- You may be able to win back the interest of inactive contacts and earn revenue from them, so it pays to try a re-engagement campaign before you archive them.
Segment and archive by email interaction
To segment and archive contacts based on their email interaction, follow these steps.
- Click Audience, then click All contacts.
- If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
- Click the Create new segment drop-down and choose Regular segment.
- For the first condition, set the drop-downs to Email interaction | did not open. In the third drop-down, choose from the list of Aggregated Emails.
- Click Add filter to create a new condition. The And option should be chosen.
- For this filter, set the drop-downs to Email interaction | was sent. In the third drop-down, choose from the list of Aggregated Emails. This lets you target subscribers who have been sent the emails, but haven't opened them.
- Click Preview Segment.
- Check the box next to each contact you want to archive.
- Click Archive.
- In the Archive contacts pop-up modal, enter ARCHIVE and click Archive.
We’ll display a success message that tells you how many contacts you have archived. To view your archived contacts, click the Manage audience drop-down and choose View archived contacts.
What about new subscribers?
If you're worried you might archive new subscribed contacts, add a condition to the segment above. Set this second condition to Email Date Added | is before | a specific date. Choose a date that was before your last email or a couple of emails ago to protect any new contacts who haven't received an email yet.
Segment and archive by contact rating
Contact ratings are a measure of overall engagement with your emails. We recalculate them each time you send an email.
To segment and archive contacts with a low contact rating, follow these steps.
- Click Audience, then click All contacts.
- If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
- Click the Create new segment drop-down, then click Regular segment.
- For the first condition, set the drop-downs to Contact Rating | is less than | 2 stars to segment for contacts with a rating of one star. This is considered a negative rating.
- Click Preview Segment.
- Check the box next to each contact you want to archive.
- Click Archive.
- In the Archive contacts pop-up modal, enter ARCHIVE and click Archive.
We’ll display a success message that tells you how many contacts you have archived. To view your archived contacts, click the Manage audience drop-down and choose View archived contacts.
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