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All the Starting Points

by Intuit Updated 4 weeks ago

A starting point is an event or action that adds a contact to a Customer Journey. Use starting points to add contacts to your journey based on conditions that you set.

In this article, you'll learn about all the starting points you can use in a Customer Journey.

Things to know

Available starting points

Here are all the starting points to choose from when you create or edit your customer journey.

Contact activity

These starting points add contacts to a journey when they sign up for your emails, or when their audience data changes.

Starting point nameAction
Tag addedAdds a contact after you add a specific tag to them.
Signs up for emailAdds a contact when they sign up for your email marketing. You can also choose to include new, imported email contacts.
Texts a keywordAdds a contact when they text a custom keyword to your SMS phone number. Keywords can be between 2-30 characters, and they include letters and numbers. To use this starting point, you need to first set up an SMS Marketing program.
Signs up for SMSAdds a contact when they sign up for your SMS marketing. You can also choose to include new, imported SMS contacts. To use this starting point, you need to first set up an SMS Marketing program.
Joins audience groupAdds a contact after they join a specific group in your audience.
Leaves audience groupAdds a contact after they leave a specific group in your audience.
Audience field changesAdds a contact when their audience field data changes to a specific value.
Viewed a pageAdds a contact after they view a page in your Mailchimp website with Track with Mailchimp enabled.
Clicked a linkAdds a contact after they click a link in your Mailchimp website with Track with Mailchimp enabled.
Manual addAdds a contact when you choose to add them.

Date and special events

These starting points add contacts to a journey based on a specific date field in your audience, like a birthday or anniversary.

Recurring date starting points and Birthday starting points add contacts to a journey on a yearly cycle. Specific date starting points add contacts to a journey based on a specific day and year in the future, so they can’t be used with Recurring date or Birthday starting points or wait rules.

Starting point nameAction
Specific dateAdds a contact based on a specific date field in your audience.
Signup dateAdds a contact based on the date they were added to your audience.
BirthdayAdds a contact based on birthday field data in your audience.
Recurring dateAnnually adds a contact based on a specific date field in your audience.

Shopping activity

These starting points add contacts from your connected e-commerce store. To use the Shopify starting points, you'll need the latest version of the Shopify integration.

Starting point nameAction
Buys any productAdds a subscribed contact after they purchase any product from your store.
Buys a specific productAdds a subscribed contact after they purchase a specific product from your store.
Time since last purchasedAdds a subscribed contact if they have not purchased anything from your store within a specific timeframe. This starting point looks at purchase activity after your journey is activated.
Shopify: Views pages in Shopify storeAdds a contact who has viewed any page or viewed a specific page in your Shopify store.
Shopify: Views products in Shopify storeAdds a contact who has viewed any product, viewed a specific product, or viewed a collection of products in your Shopify store.
Shopify: Performs search in Shopify storeAdds a contact who performs a search for any term or a search for a specific term in your Shopify store.
Shopify: Adds products to Shopify cartAdds a contacts who adds any product to their cart or adds a specific product to their cart from your Shopify store.
Shopify: Performs checkout action in Shopify storeAdds a contact if they perform 1 of the following actions in your Shopify store: start checkout, submit payment information, or complete checkout.
Shopify: Adds a low inventory product to a shopping cartAdds a contact who created a cart and adds any product or adds a specific products to their cart that is low in stock.
Shopify: Product back in stockAdds a contact who added a low-stock product to their cart and alerts them that the product is back in stock.
Abandons cartAdds a contact who created a cart in your store and didn’t complete the checkout process. To learn more about this starting point, check out Create an Abandoned Cart Customer Journey Map. This can't be used with any other starting point, but it can be used with Send email or Send SMS actions.
Abandons cart with specific productsAdds a contact who has not completed the checkout process after they create a cart that includes or excludes specific products from your store. To learn more about this starting point, check out Create an Abandoned Cart Customer Journey Map. This can't be used with any other starting point, but it can be used with Send email or Send SMS actions.
Order confirmationNotifies a customer that their order has been confirmed. This can't be used with any other starting point.
Cancelation confirmationNotifies a customer that their order has been canceled. This can't be used with any other starting point.
Order invoiceNotifies a customer that their payment has been processed. This can't be used with any other starting point.
Shipping confirmationNotifies a customer that their order is on the way. This can't be used with any other starting point.
Refund confirmationNotifies a customer that their refund has been processed. This can't be used with any other starting point.

Marketing activity

These starting points add contacts to a journey based on email engagement.

Starting point nameAction
Sent an emailAdds a contact after they are sent a specific email.
Opens emailAdds a contact after they open a specific email.
Unopened campaignAdds a contact if they don't open a specific email within a certain timeframe.
Clicks any email linkAdds a contact after they click any link in a specific email.
Doesn't click email linkAdds a contact if they don't click any link in a specific email.
Clicks specific email linkAdds a contact after they click a specific link in a specific email.
Responds to surveyAdds a contact after they respond to your survey.

API and integrations

These advanced starting points target contacts who meet the criteria from your Integrations with Mailchimp or custom API integrations.

Starting point nameAction
Customer Journeys APIAdds a contact when an API endpoint is triggered.
Event APIAdds a contact after an API call is posted to the Events endpoint with a specific event name. Contacts can be added to a journey with an API call to a URL displayed in the Customer Journey Builder.
Eventbrite: Any event check inAdds a contact when they check in for any of your events.
Eventbrite: Purchases any Eventbrite ticketAdds a contact when they purchase a ticket for any of your events.
Eventbrite: Specific event purchaseAdds a contact when they purchase a ticket for a specific event.
Eventbrite: Specific event check inContacts will enter when they check in for a specific event.
Chat finishedContacts will enter when they’ve ended their LiveChat conversation.
Zapier custom eventCreates a new event when an email address is collected via Zapier.

Additional information

Ready to get started or learn a little more? Here are some more resources to help you along the way.

Create a Customer Journey

Use Pre-Built Journey Maps

Edit a Customer Journey Map


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