Adjust your inventory of finished goods
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
Learn how to adjust your inventory of finished goods in QuickBooks Desktop Premier, Enterprise, or Accountant.
New to tracking the products you manufacture? QuickBooks lets you combine inventory parts and other items to build a product. Check out our inventory assembly overview to learn how to get started.
QuickBooks automatically updates your inventory when you build and sell your finished goods. But depending on the situation, you might have to make manual adjustments from time to time.
If you’re not sure how to do this, don’t worry. We’ll help you create the adjustment you need.
Step 1: Decide what kind of of adjustment you need
There are two ways to adjust your stock of finished goods.
Unbuild a product you assembled
When you unbuild, you decrease an assembly’s quantity and return its components back to your stock. Follow this method if you need to reuse those components.
Adjust your stock of finished goods without affecting stock of components
Follow this method if you don’t have to return an assembly’s parts to your inventory. For example, if a product breaks and you can no longer reuse its parts. Or if its cost changes because of seasonal demand.
Step 2: Create your adjustment
Once you know what kind of adjustment you need, here’s how to create it.
Unbuild a product you assembled
- From the Lists menu, select Item List.
- Find and select the assembly item you want to unbuild.
- Select the Reports ▼ drop-down at the bottom of the window, then QuickReport.
- Find the build transaction you want to adjust. Then, double-click to open it.
- You can delete the build transaction or edit the quantity:
- To delete, select Edit and Delete. Then, select Yes to confirm.
- To edit the quantity, enter a new quantity in the Quantity to Build field. Then, select Build & Close.
Adjust your stock of finished goods without affecting stock of components
Learn how to adjust the quantity or value of an assembly item. This kind of adjustment won’t affect the quantities or value of your product's components.
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