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Void or refund customer payments in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit257 Updated 1 month ago

Learn how to void or refund payments processed in QuickBooks Online.

If you have QuickBooks Payments, you can take and process your customer's credit card payments in QuickBooks Online. But sometimes, you might need to void or refund payments so your accounting stays accurate. We'll show you how to void or refund payments, as well as give partial refunds.

When to void or refund a transaction

Note: If you already set up instant deposits, the payments are batched automatically.

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Void a sales receipt paid by credit card

  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Go to Bookkeeping.
  3. Select Transactions, then the All sales tab.
  4. Find the sales receipt you want to void.
  5. In the Action column, select Void from the ▼ dropdown.
  6. Select Yes to void the sales receipt.
    • If you want to print a copy, select Print from the ▼ dropdown in the Action column.

Void an invoice paid by credit card

  1. Go to Bookkeeping.
  2. Select Transactions, then the All sales tab.
  3. Find the invoice you want to void.
  4. In the Action column, select Void from the ▼ dropdown.
  5. Select Yes to void the invoice.
    • If you want to print a copy, select Print from the ▼ dropdown in the Action column.

Tip: You can also void customer payments in the QuickBooks GoPayment mobile app.

Refund a customer's payment

There are a few ways you can refund a payment in QuickBooks Online. Follow the steps based on how you processed the payment.

Before you refund a sale:

  • Credit card refunds can only go back to the original card used. You might need to talk to your customer to verify this info.
  • You can only refund up to the amount of the original sale.
  • You can only refund a credit card payment within 90 days of the sale.
  1. Select + New, then select Refund receipt.
  2. From the Customer ▼ dropdown, select the customer you want to refund.
  3. Fill out the fields with the same info on the original sale.
    • To issue a refund to their credit card, select Credit card from the Payment method ▼ dropdown.
    • To issue a refund to their bank account, select Direct Debit from the Payment method ▼ dropdown.
      Note: If you don't have the Direct Debit in the Payment method ▼ dropdown, select + Add new, then select Save.
  4. From the Refund from ▼ dropdown, choose the account the refund is coming from.
  5. Select Save and close.

You can refund a customer who paid you with a credit card from the sales receipt, invoice, or associated payment.

  1. Go to Bookkeeping.
  2. Select Transactions, then select the All sales tab.
  3. Select the sales receipt, invoice, or payment you want to apply a refund to.
  4. In the footer, select More, then select Refund.
  5. Review the transaction info, then select Save and close.
    Note: If you need to issue a partial refund, you can edit the items or amount.
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