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Transfer Ownership of an Account

by Intuit14 Updated 6 days ago

Every Mailchimp account has an Owner who serves as the default primary contact and has all user permissions. If you're an account Owner or Admin, you can transfer account ownership to any other user who has access to the account.

In this article, you'll learn how to transfer ownership of your account.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • Depending on your plan, you may not have access to multiple user levels. To find out what features are included in each plan, check out our pricing page.
  • You must be an account Owner or Admin to transfer ownership of an account. Learn more about the different user levels in Mailchimp.
  • An account can have only one Owner, but there can be multiple Admins.
  • Account Owners can't change their own user type directly, but they can assign another user as an Owner. When a different user becomes the Owner, the previous owner automatically becomes an Admin.
  • The primary account contact defaults to the account Owner. If you switch ownership and want to change your primary account contact information, you can make any necessary changes from the account profile page.

Transfer ownership

To transfer account ownership from one user to another, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account.

  2. Click the Settings drop-down menu and choose Users.
    User Details tab

  3. If your account only lists one user, invite a new user and assign them the Admin user type. The recipient must fill out their login information and accept your invitation before you can proceed.
  4. When you see the new Admin listed as a user, click Edit beside their name.
  5. Click the Owner radio button. owner-radio-select
  6. Click Save.
    standard gray save button

After you save, we'll return you to the Users page in your account. You'll see the Owner label transferred to the other user and an Admin label next to your own name.


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