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Categorize bank transactions in QuickBooks Solopreneur

by Intuit42 Updated 1 week ago

Learn how to categorize the transactions you download from your bank in QuickBooks Solopreneur.

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After you connect your bank and credit card accounts, QuickBooks Solopreneur automatically downloads the latest transactions and categorizes them based on how you, and other customers, categorized similar transactions.

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In rare cases, QuickBooks Solopreneur may not auto-categorize or miscategorize your transactions. Here’s how you can get the latest bank transactions, and select the right category for your bank transactions to accurately represent your income and expenses.

Step 1: Download the latest bank and credit card transactions

  1. Go to Transactions.
  2. Select Update.

Step 2: Review and categorize downloaded transactions

  1. On the Transactions page, review your downloaded transactions for accuracy. Select the Type column header to filter your Business and Personal transactions.
  2. For any transactions with the wrong or no category, select the dropdown▼ in the Category column to choose the one that best describes the reason for the transaction.
QuickBooks Solopreneur

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