Hi there.
Changing your company's Employer Identification Number (EIN) can be achieved by updating your legal information in your company settings, and I'm here to walk you through it.
If your EIN changes, you'll need to contact us first so we can update the new EIN in our system. It is important to match your IRS records. Then, we can change the EIN in your QBDT company settings together.
Here's how:
- On the top menu, head to Company, then My Company.
- From Company Information, select Edit.
- Go to Company Identification.
- In the Federal Employer Identification No. field, enter the new EIN then select OK.
Moreover, you can also consider changing your primary principal, payroll admin, or other payroll contact in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll. Keeping your payroll contacts up-to-date is crucial for business.
Let me know if you have additional concerns besides change your EIN in QBDT. We're always here to assist you.