Below are some screen shots to help with my inadequate descriptions.
(I'm a General Contractor converting my business to Quickbooks)
Issue #1: I deleted a credit card payment from my client after sending her an invoice. The payment was processing and I wanted to show a project report of my profitability on this particular invoice. I failed, and have woven a web that I can't escape.
Issue#2: How do I clean up my Customer transaction list, invoice, and project, to all flow together and reflect properly? (there are still some transactions left under "Banking" "for Review" that I have not accepted yet, for fear of messing it up further.
#1:How do I recreate the proper deposit and A/R transaction?
#2: How do I get the payment to reflect in my project?
#3: How do I use the Invoice to help with this process in the future?
#4: Are these the correct Steps for my future projects:
Step1: Create Customer
Step2: Create Project under that Customer
Step3: Create Estimate and Send to Client
Step4: Perform services
Step5: Make Invoice, receive payment
Step6: Go into Banking, under Review, and select transactions associated with Project, and select appropriate project from drop down.
Step7: Run profitability report from project screen.
Thank you Thank you for the help!! You're all so wise and generous with your knowledge!