Thank you for visiting the Community today, danielmarracino.
In QuickBooks Online (QBO), you can add attachments to invoices, and customer or vendor profiles. When attaching one to the sales entry, make sure that it's a supported transaction and file type. Also, it must not contain special characters in the file name to successfully append the document.
The following are the supported entries:
- Bills
- Checks
- Credit Card
- Credit Memo
- Customers
- Delayed Charge
- Estimates
- Expenses
- Invoices
- Receive Payments
- Refund Receipt
- Sales Receipt
- Vendors
- Vendor Credit
File types you can use for attachments:
For more information, see the article: Add or delete attachments in QuickBooks Online. It explains how to add a document to your customer or vendor's profile, as well as how to upload a file directly to the Attachment lists.
Since you encountered an issue with adding attachments to the invoice, could share more details on what you're experiencing? This will help identify the root cause and ensures a timely solution.
For future reference, I'm adding the link to our online resources. From there, you'll find answers and articles on customer-related concerns.
Keep in touch if you need further assistance managing your invoices. I'd be glad to lend a helping hand. Have a great weekend ahead.