Hello there. Welcome to the Community.
I can think of two categories that would possibly fit your incurred expenses for state compliance. Let me share further details about them below so you can keep your financial data accurate in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE).
When you categorize a transaction, the QBSE system matches it to a line on your Schedule C. Based on your description, the closest categories to categorize the legal fees to change your business name and email addresses are either the Legal fees and professional services or Taxes and licenses.
However, I would still encourage you to consult with your accountant. They may have other options to record your expenses and can provide expert advice tailored to your business needs.
You can read this article to learn more about Schedule C categories and how they show up on your financial reports in QBSE: Schedule C and expense categories in QuickBooks Self-Employed.
Also, QuickBooks renamed existing expense categories and created new ones based on your feedback. You may want to check out this article as your reference to see how they changed in QBSE: Updates to expense categories in QuickBooks Self-Employed.
If there's anything else you need or questions about categorizing expenses in QBSE, don't hesitate to comment below, and I'll gladly help. Have a great day, and stay safe.