For example, there is $100 in the account. Check #1 for $1, Check #2 for $2, Check #3 for $3 check are cut on the same day.
In QB, it shows in the order #3,#2,#1 and shows the total balance in that order. But it should be reversed so that the total balance at the time check #1 was cut should show the correct total amount which is $99. Then when check # 2 is cut, the total amount should be $97, then when check #3 is cut, it should be $94. As for the current QB shows, check #3 for $3, total $97 then check # 2 for $95 with the total balance, then #1 for $94. Can QB fix this?
This is consistent with the way check stubs are recorded.
Account Balance $100
Check Total
#3, $3 $97
#2, $2 $95
#1, $1 $94
Account Balance $100
Check Total
#1, $1 $99
#2, $2 $97
#3, $3 $94