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Conducting Effective Training Sessions

Welcome to the Talk About Your Business discussion!  This week I have been doing some training sessions, and it got me thinking that I should pose this to question to you guys. Do you believe training sessions are practical?

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Training sessions are a regular part of businesses for many companies. Some types of training sessions, such as those covering safety practices, are often undertaken to meet legal requirements and now more than ever protocols for this pandemic. Other types of training are undertaken to improve employees' skillsets resulting in higher company performance. The key to creating lasting change in your company is not merely putting on employee training but also doing these sessions effectively. That brings up the question, what are some steps to make training sessions more effective? Well, let's find out!


Be Concise
A training session should only be long enough to cover what needs to be taught. If it can be done in two half-day sessions, do not stretch it into a week affair. Remember that time is money, and since these are your employees, your money is being consumed. The longer a training session is stretched out, the more time it loses the audience's interest.


Be Engaging
Making sure that employees are engaged in the training sessions is a way to ensure that they retain the sessions' information. One way to engage employees in training sessions is to get them involved in the sessions, such as asking deep thinking questions or through games. Our company kept us engaged by playing Kahoot, yet the questions were centered on our discussions. Also, showing the employees how the training will benefit them individually will help them take a more profound interest.


Be Prepared
Another way to more effective in training sessions is to be adequately prepared for them. Preparation gives you more control over the material. It is essential to know the materials to impart it to others properly. Not being prepared signifies that the sessions are unimportant, and employees will observe this and adopt the same attitude.


Be Employee Centric
Remember that while the training, if effective, will benefit the company, that the training is ultimately about the employees. For the training to be important to the employees, it must be taught from their point of view.


Although all the steps mentioned previously are essential to creating an effective training session, can you think of any more to add to the list? I will love for you to share your thoughts below. Unitl then, continue to be safe and be well, my Community comrades

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