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Facing New Challenges

Hello, everyone and welcome back to our Business Discussions. A couple of weeks ago, we looked at the advantages of using Instagram and its features to promote and communicate with your audience. Today, we will dive into how to use Facebook to connect with your customers.  USChamber mentioned some ways, and I would like to share some points with you.

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Use your community for the public good.
Yes, we are all going through difficult times, yet others are experiencing it a little harder. But how does this relate to your Facebook page, you may ask? You can use your page as a source for others to connect with your local foundations and so forth. UsChamber discussed that this can be done by sharing information on businesses that are still open and offers food delivery. Also, by creating an organization that arranged canned goods or cleaning supplies to be delivered to people in need. In addition, encourage others to give back as you do the same with your charity or create a GoFundMe to support employees or charities who need additional aid.


Share posting guidelines.
When dealing with social media, it could sometimes make and break your company image. Creating a set of rules would be the best solution to avoid this by letting your followers know about the content you tolerate.


Provide factual updates.
Your Facebook page can be used to share new information and give updates, especially at this time, but let's remember you are not an official news site. Also, before posting, ensure the data is accurate to avoid backlash. You should use this platform to provide updates on how your business is operating.


Don't neglect customer service.
At one point, we all experienced good or bad customer service, whether in a restaurant or retail store. Personally, I tend to support that business more if the service was exceptional. Sometimes, during conversations, when someone mentioned a particular company that is familiar, you usually share your opinion. The same approach should be given to customers' concerns. The article showed how many businesses are using this Facebook chat function to correspond with customers. Facebook messaging has an auto-response tool that allows you to answer customers, frequently asked questions, which will assist with your response time.


Could you tell us some examples you use to improve your customer service via Facebook? Please leave your comments below. I'll love to read them and take care.

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