Level 1

When I am trying to link my online credit card account, it does not allow me to link it, we have 2 cards associated with this account.

I have 2 users with different card numbers linked to one credit card account. When I am trying to link my QuickBooks online to the credit card account it asks me to select an account from quickbooks. I selected 1 card to be linked to the main account in the chart of accounts and the 2nd card is linked to a subaccount under the same chart of account. 

I get a message "The account, Chase Ink, has a subaccount that is already connected to an account at one of your banks."

How do I create this?
Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Account management

Greetings, @office-xtremesou


Welcome to the Community! I'd be more than happy to provide you with an answer to your question about parent and subaccounts when connecting them to online banking. 


If the transactions download to one account, connect only the parent account. If the transactions download to the individual accounts, connect the subaccounts and not the parent account.


Note: You can’t connect both a parent account and its subaccounts. If you try to connect both, you’ll get a message that the account is already connected.


For additional details to help you in the future, check out this guide: About bank or credit card subaccount setup


I hope this helps. If you have any trouble along the way, don't hesitate to come back. Take care!