Level 1

Employer Quarterly report for a state that is no longer active.

My company had an employee from out of state last year. We already closed our employer account with the state, but Quickbooks keeps creating quarterly contribution reports on zeros with that state. The State does not appears in payroll setting anymore. Is there a way to stop this statements from been created automatically?

QuickBooks Team

Employees and payroll

Allow me to guide you on how to prevent the automatic creation of quarterly contributions of your employee, Lourdes_L.

Since you have already confirmed that the state is no longer listed in your QuickBooks Online (QBO) Payroll settings, I recommend reaching out to our Payroll support team for further assistance. They can help remove the location associated with the out-of-state employee from last year, preventing QuickBooks from automatically generating the quarterly contribution report for that state.

Here's how:

  1. Log into your QBO company.
  2. Click the Help (?) icon.
  3. Choose Contact Us.
  4. Input your concern, then hit Let's talk.
  5. Select a way to connect us:
  • Start a chat with a support expert.
  • Get a callback from the next available expert.

You can contact us from Mondays to Fridays, 6 AM to 6 PM PT, and Saturdays, 6 AM to 3 PM PT.

For detailed information, refer to this article: Contact Payroll Support.

If you're ready to pay and file payroll taxes in QBO, you can refer to this article as a future guide: Pay and file payroll taxes and forms electronically in QuickBooks Online Payroll.

You can always leave a message if you have any further questions about Payroll reports. Have a good one.