Level 2

How do I handle a reassessment in Profile?

My client didnt provide me with the T4A for RESPs and was reassessed.  How to I correct the return to match CRA's new amounts?

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Getting Started

Hi, thank you for using Intuit ProFile Community

I would try and recreate the notice of reassessment. Get a copy of the T4A not provided to you and enter the information. So, treat the T4A as if you were creating an adjustment for the client. You can then compare your result to the notice of reassessment. You can update the file or save as to create a copy with the updated information.

So treat this like a client brought the T4A to you:


If your result matches the CRA results then no further action is required.

You may want to inform your client about repeated failure to report penalties:


And CRA data import may be useful in the future.

Hope this helps

View solution in original post

Level 2

Getting Started

thank you Duncan, appreciate the great help with this
Level 2

Getting Started

1. Did you do the return? If so go to #2 there's no need to recreate the return to match it.


2. If you want to see the difference it actually makes then amend the return and add the T4A. 

On the summary page you will see the changes greyed in and on the adjustment page you will see the before and after the adjustment , this way you can see the actual difference much better then on the NOA.


Level 2

Getting Started

Precise and concise. Thank you! 

Level 1

Getting Started

Hello I am trying to set up a new admin in intuit beings the person that is listed on the file is no longer working with the company and i need to change the admin to a new person going forward. Thanks for you time in this matter let us know thanks.....



Sherry Jones

Office Manager

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Getting Started

Hi, thank you for using Intuit ProFile Community

It would be best for you to contact your Intuit account manager to change your Primary account holder.

Hope this helps


Not applicable

Getting Started

I would try and recreate the notice of reassessment. Get a copy of the T4A not provided to you and enter the information. So, treat the T4A as if you were creating an adjustment for the client. You can then compare your result to the notice of reassessment. You can update the file or save as to create a copy with the updated information.

Not applicable

Getting Started

I would try and recreate the notice of reassessment. Get a copy of the T4A not provided to you and enter the information. Online payment gateway in uae. So, treat the T4A as if you were creating an adjustment for the client. You can then compare your result to the notice of reassessment. You can update the file or save as to create a copy with the updated information.
