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Niveau 2

When i apply a payment to an invoice it gets sent to undeposited funds on the phone app and i have to use the web app to link it to my bank account even though i have 1

Even thouhg i have only 1 bank account it makes no sense, i called tech support last year and they never figured it out, i need this fixed its riddiculous
Équipe QuickBooks

When i apply a payment to an invoice it gets sent to undeposited funds on the phone app and i have to use the web app to link it to my bank account even though i have 1

Hey bimma328,


Thanks for turning to the QuickBooks Community for support. Being able to get the accounts you need is an important step in maintaining clean books. I can prove some assistance.

It may be browsing data on your system that is preventing the software from doing what it is supposed to do.  Here are some steps to resolve issues that are caused by browsing data:

If you're still having the same problem , I recommend reaching out to the support team outside of the Community. They'll be able to verify your account details in a secure setting as well as view your screen to see what may be causing the issue. You can reach out to them using one of these methods:


Schedule a Callback or start a Chat: click (?)Help in the upper right > type and enter "Contact support" into the QB Assistant > click Contact Us > explain your situation > click Let's Talk > choose Get a callback or Start a Chat.
Social Media: Facebook and Twitter


If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here.

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