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Level 2

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

7 Comments 7
Level 6

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?


Move to the Chart of Accounts > right header section click the small gear icon > checkmark Tax Rate.  

Now you can see all the tax codes you selected for accounts


Comment back for further clarifications.

Level 2

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

Thank you for the reply.  It is ticked off.  It's a strange thing.  when setting up the account, I set it at 13% HST.  after I save the new account, it goes to the listing of the chart of accounts, but in the column for tax, it doesn't show up.  If I go and edit the transaction - I click on another tax rat, save it and then go back and change it to 13% and save it and it show up on the main listing page of the chart of accounts.

Level 1

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

I have the same issue.  The GST rate only appears in the Chart of Accounts screen if you edit the G/L account  with another tax rate, then go back and select the correct rate.    My GST (tax) rate has always been ticked in the settings cog.   So we still don't have a solution!   Please help us Intuit.



Level 2

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

Exactly the same problem.  Intuit, it is time to fix that!

QuickBooks Team

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

Hi kazfry & I-AM-The-Mad-Accountant. Thanks for following up on this. The steps provided above to display the default tax rate are working on my end, and I want to make sure you're given the help you need to make sure things are working as intended on your end. 

If you're still running into issues with your tax rate not being displayed on the main Chart of Accounts screen, try a few browser troubleshooting steps to ensure there's no bugs causing issues in the background. Try clearing the cache and cookies in your web browser by following the steps here: Clear cache and cookies to fix issues when using QuickBooks Online


If the issue persists, try using an Incognito window in Google Chrome. This is a private browsing mode that operates separately from the main browser, and it doesn't get impacted by stored cache and cookies. Here's more information about that and how to use it: Browse in Private. You should also try using multiple different browsers.


If you're still running into issues, I'd recommend touching base with our tech support team so an agent can take a closer look at what may be happening. I'm confident our team will be able to sort this out for you.


Take care.

Level 1

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

Actually, when entering a bill, the tax codes that show up are not those in tax code is missing. It is on my desktop 2020 version. I understand here is for Online version but I thought I might get some tips.


Henock K
QuickBooks Team

Why does the default tax code in the chart of accounts not show up on the main chart of accounts screen?

Hi Ali53,

Thanks for joining this thread. Having the proper taxes codes is essential in order to track and  submit the proper amounts for your remittances to the CRA. QuickBooks Desktop offers the option to set up sales tax to ensure that your fillings and payments are correct. I'll be glad to point you in the right direction on this.

The first step is to make sure that the sales tax centre is set up right. You can refer to this article regarding the sales tax set up in QuickBooks Desktop. Also,  the tax code may not be showing due to a data damage preventing the tax centre from working efficiently.  This article explains how you can troubleshoot and resolve potential data issues in QuickBooks Desktop.

Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to help. 

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