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List of QuickBooks Online reports available in Modern view

by Intuit1 Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn which QuickBooks Online reports are available in the New Enhanced Experience and Classic view.

QuickBooks Online is transitioning to Modern Reports. We're saying goodbye to our old reporting platform and using a new one. This change lets us give you the features and reliability you want. Here are some of the changes you can look forward to:

  • Faster loading times and fewer crashes for reports with lots of lines.
  • Improved user permissions for reporting to ensure your data is secure when multiple users are using QuickBooks Online.
  • Immediate preview of customisations before saving your report.

We know that change can be hard, and we’re taking a careful approach to make sure the transition goes smoothly over the next few months. We're slowly adding groups of reports to the new reporting platform. This gives you time to get used to the Modern view.

Report nameClassic view onlyClassic and Modern viewModern view only
Bill Approval StatusX
Invoice Approval StatusX
Product/Item Profitability by CustomerX
Business overview
Audit LogX
Balance SheetX
Balance Sheet ComparisonX
Balance Sheet DetailX
Balance Sheet SummaryX
Statement of Cash FlowsX
Business SnapshotX
Custom Summary ReportX
Statement of Changes in EquityX
Profit and LossX
Profit and Loss by CustomerX
Profit and Loss by MonthX
Profit and Loss by Tag GroupX
Profit and Loss ComparisonX
Profit and Loss DetailX
Profit and Loss as % of total incomeX
Profit and Loss year-to-date comparisonX
Project Profitability SummaryX
Quarterly Profit and Loss SummaryX
Who owes you
Accounts receivable ageing summaryX
Accounts receivable ageing detailX
Collections ReportX
Customer Balance SummaryX
Customer Balance DetailX
Invoice ListX
Invoices and Received PaymentsX
Open InvoicesX
Statement ListX
Terms ListX
Unbilled chargesX
Unbilled timeX
Sales and customers
Sales by Customer Type DetailX
Quotes & Progress Invoicing Summary by CustomerX
Customer Contact ListX
Income by Customer SummaryX
Sales by Customer SummaryX
Sales by Customer DetailX
Deposit DetailX
Quotes by CustomerX
Inventory Valuation DetailX
Inventory Valuation SummaryX
Product/Service ListX
Sales by Product/Service SummaryX
Sales by Product/Service DetailX
Payment Method ListX
Stocktake WorksheetX
Time Activities by Customer DetailX
Transaction List by CustomerX
Transaction List by Tag GroupX
What you owe
Accounts payable ageing summaryX
Accounts payable ageing detailX
Bills and Applied PaymentsX
Bill Payment ListX
Unpaid BillsX
Supplier Balance SummaryX
Supplier Balance DetailX
Expenses and suppliers
Cheque DetailX
Purchases by Product/Service DetailX
Open Purchase Order DetailX
Open Purchase Order ListX
Transaction List by SupplierX
Purchases by Supplier DetailX
Supplier Contact ListX
Expenses by Supplier SummaryX
Employee Contact listX
Recent/Edited Time ActivitiesX
Time Activities by Employee DetailX
For my accountant
Account ListX
Balance SheetX
Balance Sheet ComparisonX
Statement of Cash FlowsX
Uncoded transactionsX
General Ledger SummaryX
General LedgerX
Recurring Template ListX
Profit and LossX
Profit and Loss by Tag GroupX
Profit and Loss ComparisonX
Recent TransactionsX
Reconciliation ReportsX
Trial BalanceX
Transaction Detail by AccountX
Transaction List by DateX
Transaction List with SplitsX
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