Enter your hours in QuickBooks Time without clocking in
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
Note: Your account administrator must grant the "Manage my timesheets" permission for you to enter time without clocking in.
How to enter your hours on a computer
Note: To display your hours and minutes in HH:MM format, at the bottom of Manual Time Card, select Options > Display time in HH:MM.
To enter total hours worked for each day, use Manual Time Card:
- Go to Time Entries > Manual Time Card tab.
- Select the date range.
- If you are entering hours worked for someone else, at the top right, select Switch User, and enter a name. (Note: Only administrators and managers can enter time for other team members.)
- If you track time against a job or customer, select (no job) or (no customer), and select from the list.
- Select inside the cell to add the number of hours worked. (For example, to enter 8 1/2 hours, type 8.5 or 8:30.)
- If you would like to, in the Notes box below, enter your notes for that day.
- Continue adding hours and notes to each day.
- Before proceeding to a new week, select Save.
To enter clock-in and clock-out times, use Add Time:
- Go to Time Entries > Timesheets.
- At the top of the Timesheets window, select + Add Time.
- Enter a name and the remaining information, and select Save.
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