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Fix bank error 323

by Intuit1 Updated 2 weeks ago

Check before you call

If you aren't able to resolve your bank error manually using the steps on this page, check the Bank feed status page to see if it's an ongoing issue.

If the error you're experiencing appears on that page, we're aware of the issue and are working to fix it. You don't need to call Support to report or resolve it.

Learn what to do if you see error 323 in QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed.

You may get bank error 323 if you have two accounts with the same name, or if the last 4 digits of the account numbers are the same.

Fix banking error 323

Rename similar accounts

Sign in to your bank or credit card's website. Rename one of the accounts so each one has a unique name. Then sign back into QuickBooks and connect the accounts again.

Disconnect duplicate accounts

If you added the same account twice, disconnect one of them. This should fix the issue.

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