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What to do if you can’t find downloaded transactions in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit12 Updated 1 year ago


If you're having trouble finding downloaded transactions in QuickBooks Online, this can be easily fixed by making sure they've been imported, searching for them using the search feature, and checking your filters. Locating these transactions will keep your financial records accurate and up-to-date.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Step 1: Check your downloaded transactions

The first step to resolving this issue is to ensure that your most recent transactions have been downloaded and imported into QuickBooks. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From the Banking tab, select the account you’re having trouble with.
  2. Select Update to download the latest transactions.
  3. Once the transactions are downloaded, select Add or Match to reconcile them with existing transactions in QuickBooks.

Step 2: Search for your transactions

If all of your transactions have been downloaded and you still can't find them, try searching for them using the search feature. Here's how:

  1. From the Banking tab, select the account you’re having trouble with.
  2. Select Transactions to view a list of all transactions in the account.
  3. Use the search bar to search for the missing transaction by name, amount, or date range.

Step 3: Check your filters

Another reason why you may not be able to find your downloaded transactions is that they may be filtered out. To check your filters, follow these steps:

  1. From the Banking tab, select the account you’re having trouble with.
  2. Select Transactions to view a list of all transactions in the account.
  3. Select Filter and check that the filters are not excluding the transactions you're looking for.
  4. Adjust the filters as necessary and select Apply to see if the missing transactions appear.

Step 4:  Check the Banking menu

If you still can’t find the transaction, it could be stuck somewhere around the Banking menu.

Go to Bookkeeping, select Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there). Select the tile for the bank or credit card account you downloaded the transaction from. There are three areas to check:

  1. Start in the For review tab. This is where QuickBooks puts recently downloaded transactions. If you find the missing transaction, categorize it into an account. Transactions don't show up on your books until you categorize them.
  2. Next, check the Categorized tab. This tells you what happens to transactions you already categorized. Specifically, review the Added or Matched column. This tells you which account you categorized the transaction into. If you find your missing transaction, but it's in the wrong account, follow these steps to unmatch and move it.
  3. Finally, check the Excluded tab. If you mark a transaction as personal or a duplicate, it goes here. QuickBooks won't add excluded transactions to your accounts. If you want to include it, select Undo from the action column. Then go back to the For review tab and categorize it into the correct account.

Step 5: Review your account history

If you’re looking for an older transaction, review the account's history.

  1. Go to Bookkeeping and select Chart of accounts (Take me there).
  2. Look for the bank account and select Account history.
  3. Look for the transaction and select it to get more details. This gives you a complete history of the transaction.

Step 6: Check your uncategorized accounts

If you don’t categorize transactions into specific accounts, QuickBooks puts them into the Uncategorized Income or Uncategorized Expense account. Your missing transaction may be there. To check these accounts:

  1. Go to Bookkeeping and select Chart of accounts (Take me there).
  2. Look for the Uncategorized Income or Uncategorized Expense accounts.
  3. Select Run report.
  4. Look for your missing transaction on the report.

To move transactions out of the Uncategorized Income or Uncategorized Expense accounts, follow these steps to unmatch and move them.

Step 7: Manually upload the transactions

You may need to manually upload the transactions for the missing dates into QuickBooks Online if the above steps haven't been successful. One reason for this may be that banks often limit date ranges for bank connections and you may have transactions out of the date range limit. See this article for how to manually upload missing transactions.

If none of these steps work, contact QuickBooks support for further assistance. Remember, keeping your financial records accurate and up-to-date is vital for your business, so don't hesitate to seek help when needed.