Create a Record of Employment (ROE) in QuickBooks Online
by Intuit•209• Updated 10 months ago
This article guides you through creating a Record of Employment (ROE) in QuickBooks Online for new employees, as well as locating existing ROEs for active, inactive, and terminated employees.
You can use the links below to jump to a specific area of this support article:
Generate a Record of Employment
- Change your empoyee's status to Terminated
- Create, view, and file a Record of Employment
- Submit a paper copy Record of Employment to the CRA
Rules by Pay Type
Generate a Record of Employment
Follow the steps below to generate an ROE with all of the relevant information for that employee.
Change your employee's status to Terminated
- Navigate to Payroll , then Employees (Take me there) in the left navigation bar.
- Select the desired employee from the list.
- Under the employee profile, select Action, then select Change Status.
- Under Status, change the employee's status from Active to Terminated.
- Select a Reason for status change and enter the appropriate Last day of work.
- Select Save. A pop-up window displays asking if you'd like to create the employee's ROE.
- Select Continue.
Create, view, and file an ROE
- Open Taxes and select Payroll tax (Take me there).
- Select Filings and select Record of employment.
- Select the desired employee from the list.
- Select Generate ROE.
- Select Next.
- Select Download BLK; this is the file that needs to be uploaded to ROE Web.
- Select Go to ROE Web. The Service Canada website opens.
- Follow the instructions on the website to access your ROE Web account and electronically file your ROE forms.
Submit a paper copy Record of Employment to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
The ROE printed from QuickBooks Online is not a legal form for record of employment. You'll need to request the legal ROE forms from the CRA. You can then use the ROE from QuickBooks Online as a guide to assist you with filling out the legal ROE forms from the CRA.
Fill out the CRA ROE form three times, and:
- Provide one copy to your employee.
- Mail one copy to the CRA.
- Maintain one copy for your personal records.
Rules by Pay Type
Payroll Items: Earnings | ROE Insurable Earnings | ROE Insurable Hours | Reporting Period: For Which (PP End Date) | Reporting Period: In Which (Chq Date) |
Salary | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Hourly | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Vacation Pay (Accrual Paid Out) | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Vacation Pay Every Period | Yes | - | - | Yes |
Overtime Pay | Yes | Yes | - | Yes |
Double Overtime Pay | Yes | Yes | - | Yes |
Sick Pay | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Stat Holiday Pay | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Bonus | Yes | - | - | Yes |
Commission | Yes | - | Yes | - |
Allowance | Yes | - | - | Yes |
Reimbursement | - | - | - | - |
Other earnings | Yes | - | Yes | - |
Commission Only | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Payroll Items: Deductions | ROE Insurable Earnings | ROE Insurable Hours | Reporting Period: For Which (PP End Date) | Reporting Period: In Which (Chq Date) |
Health Insurance - Private Health Care - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Health Insurance - Private Health Care - ER Contribution | Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Other deductions - Cash Advance Repayment - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Other deductions - Loan Repayment - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Other deductions - Charitable Donation - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Other deductions - Union Dues - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Other deductions - Other after tax deductions - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Retirement Plans - RRSP - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Retirement Plans - RRSP - ER Contribution | Yes | - | - | Yes |
Retirement Plans - RPP - EE Deduction | - | - | - | - |
Retirement Plans - RPP - ER Contribution | Yes | - | - | Yes |
Frequently asked questions
Intuit coordinates with CRA tax guideline experts to bring you the most accurate form for your payroll. You may also visit the CRA's website for detailed instructions.
Why does the ROE I printed have a "NOT FOR SUBMISSION" watermark?
The ROE printed from QuickBooks Online is not the legal form for Record Of Employment. You'll need to request the legal ROE forms from the CRA.
You can then use the ROE from QuickBooks Online as a guide to assist you with filling out the legal ROE forms from the CRA. There are three copies of the legal ROE forms: one for your employee, one to mail back in to the CRA, and one for your personal records.
Why don't the numbers in boxes 15C match the payroll details/paycheque list?
The CRA’s guidelines for ROE state that box 15C will split up paycheques based on the types of pay on the paycheque. Some pay types (such as salary, wages, and vacation taken as hours off) are reported by the work period of the cheque, and some pay types (such as bonuses, overtime, and vacation paid out as % of gross) are reported by the paydate of the cheque.
For more information, see Why does box 15C on the Record of Employment not match the payroll details or paycheque list? or refer to the chart Type of earnings, insurable/non-insurable earnings and hours, and pay-period allocation on the Employment and Social Development Canada website.
Why is box 15B less than the total of boxes 15C?
Box 15B and 15C require information from different periods when filing electronically. Box 15B requires about one half a year’s earnings, and 15C requires about one full year. The exact number of periods you must use is detailed in charts from the CRA’s ROE instructions. Take special note of the table you use for box 15C, and how you decide to file the form, electronically or paper form. For further information, see the Government of Canada website.
Why does the earliest period in box 15C have such a large total?
This is most likely the total year-to-date information that is recorded in QuickBooks Payroll as historical paycheques. This total is recorded as one amount and will show up as one amount on the ROE. You will need to reference your original records and separate out enough pay periods to finish the ROE.
Why is box 15A, Total Insurable Hours, lower than expected?
The answer is similar to those of questions 3 and 4 above. Box 15A requires about a year’s worth of pay periods, different from box 15B. Historical payroll does not record insurable hours, so you will need to reference previous records to determine the correct insurable hours.
Why is part of the paycheque in one box, and another part is in another box?
With ROEs there are two types of payments: for which and in which. This determines which boxes under 15C are filled in with what numbers: for which would include pay that is accumulated during the pay period , where in which would include pay that is paid out on the paycheque date.
If I've migrated my file to QuickBooks Online, will historical payroll appear on the ROE?
Historical payroll will only appear in box 15C for queries run within QuickBooks Online. Historical payroll run from other programs before migration will not appear, including QuickBooks Desktop.
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