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Changing a vendor, customer or employee name type

by Intuit2 Updated 9 months ago

Currently there is no option in QuickBooks to change a name type from anything other than Other Names.

For example, you can change a customer to a supplier or employee, or another combination of these three name types.

Changing name types

There are two options available if you need to change a name type:

Delete the name and recreate it under the proper name type. Use this option if no transactions exist for the name, or:

Make the name inactive and recreate it under the proper name type. Use this option if there are transactions associated with the name.

Note: Only Other Names can be changed to another name type (for example, Customer, Supplier, or Employee) and once this change has taken place, the name type can no longer be altered.

Delete the name and recreate it under the proper name type

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Center (for example, Customer Center, Vendor Center, or Employee Center) in which the name currently exists.
  2. Right-click on the name.
  3. Select Delete (Customer: Job/Vendor/Employee) from the list of options.

You can now recreate the deleted name under the proper name type.

Make the name inactive and recreate it under the proper name type

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Center (for example, Customer Center, Vendor Center, or Employee Center) in which the name currently exists.
  2. Right-click the name.
  3. Select Make (Customer: Job/Vendor/Employee) inactive from the list of options.

You can now recreate the deleted name under the proper name type.

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