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Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Does anyone from the Profile team even read these forums?  Total garbage support.

Level 4

Zoom to Display size

I was just going to leave a similar comment


One of the most frustrating things is that no one from Intuit has bothered to comment on any of the threads about this issue.

Nothing has been said to indicate that they see the concerns. Nothing has been said to say that they are working on it, or to comment that they believe their improvement is for the good of the majority of the users and they do not plan to adjust the software.

Nothing. Nada. Not a bloody thing.

We are most likely shouting into a void.


Larry Hancock

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Zoom to Display size

Hi all,

I apologize for the Zoom issues. There is an investigation open have a fix for those with 4K monitors. Hopefully there will be improvements in ProFile 2022.4.0 due out later this month.

Rest assured we are working on the Zoom feature

Level 4

Zoom to Display size



Thank you for the response.


Larry Hancock

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Duncan thanks for the reply - The proof will be in the pudding.  I'm ready to switch April 1 if this isn't resolved - I can't go through the April grind with this problem.

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Just curious which software you were planning on switching too.  If you feel more comfortable answering by sending an email to me then send to [email address removed]


Always interested in why people choose different software suites.  Our previous suite was approx 8500/yr.  That was matter how good it may have been.

Level 1

Zoom to Display size

How much later this month? This zoom issue is so frustrating and time-consuming. It is killing productivity and profitability! This should have been fixed immediately after it was discovered! Why has it taken so long for Profile to acknowledge it is an issue? Please provide an immediate fix not - "Hopefully, there will be improvements in ProFile 2022.4.0 due out later this month.'

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Duncan - any update?  

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Profile as not done anything yet? I have been using tax prep which works great. 

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

I'm going back to Taxprep if this isn't sorted.

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Zoom to Display size

Hi all,

I do apologize for the zoom issues. Product development is working on fixes/ improvements for ProFile 2022.4.0 due to be released later this week of March 27. In the release will also be certified forms for multijurisdictional filing , T2205 and others
For now not using zoom 45% is suggested, use either 40 or 50%

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

I appreciate the suggestion, but that is not a viable option. I've been loyal to Profile for over a decade but this is my last year with Intuit as a whole (I've already offloaded 75% of my clientele off of QBO and went back with Sage and I am looking at implementing CCH iFirm as soon as May of this year).  The company has let me down for over a month over a VERY simple issue during the busiest month of the year.  This is not how you treat loyal customers. 

The issue is not a mere  inconvenience, it's a health hazard - I was getting massive migraines the first few days because my eyes had to jump around the screen for extended periods of time.  It's also a huge risk for mistakes as some forms are just unworkable because the information is so condensed in the screen it gets hard to follow when having to make multiple entries. 


This is what 45% looks like, by the way.

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

I Know, this just show a lack of respect for their customers, whom ever the developer is need to address the issues. It does not take a month to fix something like this, how hard would it be to give the user the option of 10% - 200% resolution and let them pick. It seam like CRA might go on strike, but I think profile is on strike. 

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Duncan - 40% isn't even an option!  I am so done with Profile.

Level 1

Zoom to Display size

At this point we should all be getting a refund!

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Let's not forget everyone that Intuit is kind enough to give us free badges for our posts! and they give us this at the end of a session...should we really answer this.  I modified this to suit our needs.  Enjoy!


Level 3

Zoom to Display size

3GB fix is out....  seems to work

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Zoom to Display size


ProFile 2022.4.0 has been released. There are zoom improvements in the update. If you have any further issues please call 1-800-452-9970 so we can investigate.

I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused

Level 3

Zoom to Display size

Can confirm, zoom function is now useable.  I'm not going to not pick why zoom is limited to fixed zoom levels but at least our productivity should return to near normal.


PS -Duncan - suggesting any further issues should be brought to Intuit's attention by phoning a 1-800 number kind of defeats one of the main benefits of forums.  If nobody brought these issues forward on the forums how would we ever identify whether an issue is widespread or a one off?  People may be inclined to not report issues on the forums if all they are ever told is phone a number.


I believe if Intuit is going to direct customers to forums through their support/FAQ you also have a responsibility to monitor and support those forums when legitimate issues are brought forward.  Perhaps this is an issue Intuit internally needs to address in how they monitor and support customer issues raised in the forums.


Just my 2 bits 

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Zoom to Display size


For reproducible issues the forum is a useful place to report issues  so they can be fixed. Please keep reporting issues in the form.
For the zoom issue only I recommended calling. For many users the zoom function works, plus there were improvements in ProFile 2022.4.0. So, if you still have zoom issues call. That way we can get the exact environment ProFile is being operated in and product development can investigate.