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Enter historical payroll tax payments in QuickBooks Online Payroll

by Intuit13 Updated 8 months ago

Historical payroll tax payments are used to help you record tax payments for periods before you used QuickBooks Payroll. You can specify the exact tax period and pay date, but we recommend matching the total year-to-date amounts as of the 1st of the month in which you begin using QuickBooks Payroll to match your employees’ historical payroll.

Historical payroll tax payments don't post any debits or credits to the Chart of Accounts. If you need to record payments in your bank and tax liability/expense accounts, you can do so by creating expenses or cheques. Select New in the navigation bar and select Expense or Cheque under Suppliers.

Create a historical payroll tax payment

To create one of these payments:

  1. Go to Taxes and select Payroll tax (Take me there).
  2. Select Payment and then select Resources.

  3. Select Record tax payments, then Add Payment.

  4. Enter the details of your payments, including the period start, end, and payment date. Be sure to include the breakdown of each tax type that you paid.
  5. Select OK.

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