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Translate Footer Content

by Intuit2 Updated 6 days ago

If you’ve switched to our new email builder, some steps in this article may not apply. To learn how to use the new builder, check out Design an Email with the New Builder.

Mailchimp automatically includes a campaign footer in all template designs. The campaign footer content appears in English by default, but you can edit the content manually to translate it to your preferred language.

In this article, you'll learn how to translate your footer content.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • Be sure you're familiar with the Campaign Builder and how to use merge tags in campaigns.
  • In order to comply with Mailchimp's Terms of Use, you must include the required footer content in all campaigns.

Translate the required footer content

To comply with anti-spam laws and Mailchimp's Terms Of Use, the following items are required in your campaign footer.

  • Unsubscribe link
  • Physical address
  • Referral badge

The *|UNSUB|* merge tag

The *|UNSUB|* merge tag generates a link in your campaign that lets your subscribers opt out of your email marketing. To translate the link, you'll type the translated text you want your subscribers to see and use the merge tag to generate the click-through link.

To translate your unsubscribe link, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the campaign builder, click Edit Design.
    click edit design
  2. On the Design step, click the Footer content block to edit.
  3. Delete the unsubscribe from this list link.
  4. In its place, type the translated text you want to use.
  5. Highlight the text with your cursor and click the Link icon in the toolbar.
  6. In the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal, type the *|UNSUB|* merge tag in the Web Address (URL) field and click Insert.

Physical address

Mailchimp’s default address merge tag pulls in the physical address associated with your audience, and generates an "Add us to your address book" link that subscribers can click to add your information to their address book. To translate "Add us to your address book," you’ll use a different merge tag.

To translate the address book link, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the campaign builder, click Edit Design.
    click edit design
  2. On the Design step, click the Footer content block.
  4. In its place, type in your physical address, or use the *|LIST:ADDRESS|* merge tag to pull in the address from your audience settings.
  5. After the address, type 'Add us to your address book' in the language of your choice.
  6. Highlight the text with your cursor and click the Link icon in the toolbar.
  7. Type the *|LIST:ADDRESS_VCARD_HREF|* merge tag in the Web Address (URL) field and click Insert.
    link modal with merge tag

Referral badge

The Referral badge represents the Mailchimp brand and can't be translated, but you can choose which badge you want to appear in your campaigns.

Users on the Free plan must include the Referral badge in all their campaigns. Paid users can choose to add or remove the Referral badge in their account settings or in each campaign.

Translate the suggested footer content

The following items aren't required, but it's considered best practice to include them in your campaign footer.

  • Permission reminder
  • Update Your Preferences Link
  • Forward to a Friend link

Permission reminder

A permission reminder is a short message that tells your subscribers why they're receiving emails from you.

To translate the permission reminder, follow these steps.

  1. Click Audience.
  2. Click Audience dashboard.
  3. If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  4. Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Settings.
  5. Click Required email footer content.
    settings menu with required footer content option
  6. In the Remind people how they signed up to your list content box, type the translated text you want to use.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
    save button click
    The next time you send a campaign that includes the *|LIST:DESCRIPTION|* merge tag, we’ll automatically include the translated permission reminder.

An update your preferences link allows your recipients to update their subscription preferences and make any other subscription changes at any time.

To translate the update your preferences link, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the campaign builder, click Edit Design.
    click edit design
  2. On the Design step, click the Footer content block.
  3. Delete the update your preferences link.
  4. Type the translated text you want to use.
  5. Highlight the text with your cursor and click the Link icon in the toolbar.
  6. In the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal, type the *|UPDATE_PROFILE|* merge tag in the Web Address (URL) field and click Insert.

Make it easy for your subscribers to forward your campaigns to friends by including a Forward to a Friend link.

To translate the Forward to a Friend link in your campaign, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the campaign builder, click Edit Design.
    click edit design
  2. On the Design step, click the content block where you’d like the forward link to appear.
  3. Type the translated text you want to use.
  4. Highlight the text with your cursor and click the Link icon in the toolbar.
  5. In the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal, type the *|FORWARD|* merge tag in the Web Address (URL) field and click Insert.
    Insert link modal with merge tag

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