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Use Google Analytics on Landing Pages and Websites

by Intuit Updated 3 days ago

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool that gathers data about web traffic. Use Google Analytics on a landing page or website to collect more detailed analytics and better understand your page visitors.

In this article, you’ll learn how to add Google Analytics tracking to your website or landing page.

Before you start

Here are a few things to know before you start.

  • This article is about how to add Google Analytics to a landing page or website. To learn how to use Google Analytics with marketing emails that you send to your audience, check out Integrate Google Analytics with Mailchimp.
  • You need an Admin user level or higher to connect this integration.
  • You must have a Google Analytics account to complete this process. To sign up, visit analytics.google.com. If you already have a Google Analytics account, be sure that you've upgraded to Google Analytics 4. For more information, visit Make the switch to Google Analytics 4.
  • You must agree to our additional terms before you can use tracking on your landing page or website.
  • You may be required to notify website or landing page visitors of tracking and how to opt out, depending on what laws are applicable to your business. Take a look at Google’s data privacy and security help articles to learn how visitors can opt-out of tracking with Google Analytics.
  • You can change the tracking settings on your website or landing page before or after publishing your content.
  • You’ll need to choose tracking settings for each new landing page you create. Tracking settings only need to be set up once for your Mailchimp website.

How it works

When you add Google Analytics tracking to your landing page or website, you can collect important page view and engagement information about your visitors. The collected data can be viewed and measured in your Google Analytics account.

To add this type of tracking to your landing page or website, you’ll need a Google Analytics ID.

Find your Google Analytics ID

You can find your Google Analytics ID on the Admin page of your Google Analytics account. For step-by-step instructions to find your ID, visit the Analytics Help center. If you don’t have an account, visit Google Analytics to create one.

Add Google Analytics to a landing page

To add Google Analytics tracking to a landing page, follow these steps.

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. Click All campaigns.
  3. Click the name of the landing page you want to work with. If your landing page is already published, click the drop-down menu, choose Edit and skip to step 5.
  4. In the editor, design your content and click Save and Close.
  5. Scroll to the Settings & Tracking section and click Edit.
  6. Click Accept to acknowledge our additional terms. You’ll only need to accept the terms once.
  7. Check the box next to Track with Google Analytics and enter your ID into the Google Analytics ID field.
  8. Click Save.

All set! As soon as you publish, we'll start gathering data as people visit and interact with your landing page. You can view data about your landing page in your Google Analytics account.

Add Google Analytics to your website

To add Google Analytics to your website in Mailchimp, follow these steps.

  1. Click Website.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. In the Site tracking section, click Edit.
  4. Use the checkbox to turn on Track with Google Analytics Enter your ID into the Google Analytics ID field.
  5. Click Save.

Great! Once you publish your homepage, we'll start gathering data as people visit and interact with your website. You can view data about your website in your Google Analytics account.

Next steps

Once you've added Google Analytics to your landing page or web page, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • If you update tracking on your published website, you'll need to unpublish and re-publish the website for the new settings to take effect.
  • Once you choose to remove any tracking tool from a website or landing page, it may take up to 30 minutes for the removal action to complete.

Other tracking options

Here are some other ways you can add tracking to your landing pages and websites.


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