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Wrap Text Around an Image

by Intuit1 Updated 3 weeks ago

The information in this article applies to the classic builder only. To learn how to use the new builder, check out Design an Email with the New Builder.

In Mailchimp's editor, you can wrap text around an image to save space and enhance your design. To wrap text around an image, you'll insert the image in a text content block, and choose its alignment.

In this article, you'll learn how to wrap text around an image.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • To ensure your campaign displays as expected, use small images with a width of 100-300px.
  • In drag-and-drop templates, you can only wrap text around an image in Text, Boxed Text, or Footer content blocks. In custom HTML templates, an image can wrapped in any content block that includes an image and text.
  • Be sure to preview and test your email campaign after you wrap text around an image. Some email clients, like Outlook, handle text wrapping differently than other email clients.

Insert an image and wrap text

To insert an image in a text block and wrap text around it, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Campaign Builder, click Design Email.
    click design email
  2. On the Design step, click an existing content block or drag and drop a new one into your layout.
  3. In the editing pane, click the area in your text where you want to place the image.
  4. Click the Content Studio icon in the toolbar to choose an image.
    • To use a previously uploaded image, click the image and click Insert.
    • To use a file from your computer, click Upload, find the file you want, and click Open.
    • To use an image that's saved online, click the drop-down menu next to Upload, and choose Import from URL. Input the URL, and click Import.
  5. On the Edit Image screen, click show image style options.
  6. Click the Align drop-down menu and choose whether to place your image to the left or right, or in the center of your text.
    Pointer clicks the align drop-down menu.
  7. Enter a number in the Margin fields to add space between your image and the wrapped text.
  8. Click Save & Insert Image.

If you need to make additional changes to the image settings or margins, double-click the image in the editing pane.

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