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Run a job costing by team member report in QuickBooks Time

by Intuit2 Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn how to run a job costing by team member report in QuickBooks Time.

This report lets admins view how many hours have been tracked against each job or customer, broken down by each team member who worked that job or customer. It lists regular, overtime, and double-time hours (if set up).

Step 1: Set up pay rates

Pay rates are required before you can run the report:

  1. In QuickBooks Time, select My Team and select a team member.
  2. Next to Pay Rate, enter the dollar amount and rate. Only hourly rates appear in the report.
  3. Select Save.

Step 2: Download the report

Note: If total hours are entered (vs clock-in and out times), the order in which the hours are entered will determine overtime costs.

  1. In QuickBooks Time, select Reports, then Tracking, and select Job Costing by Team Member.
  2. Select Report Dates.
  3. Select Include Custom Field if you want to choose a field to include.
  4. Select Group by Job Code if you want the jobs separated by line breaks.
  5. Select Calculate grand totals if you want the hour and rate totals added up for the whole report.
    • If both this and group by job code are selected, the totals will be calculated per job.
  6. For Filter by Jobs or Customers, choose an option:
    • To include all jobs or customers: Leave it set to All.
    • To run the report for only one job or customer: Select All and choose the job or customer you want on the report.
    • Select OK.
  7. For Filter by Groups/Team Members, choose an option:
    • To include all team members: Leave it set to All team members.
    • To select individual team members: Select All team members, select the team members you want, and select OK.
  8. Select Run Report
  9. (Optional) To download the report, select Download CSV
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