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Filter, sort or total reports by Class

by Intuit2 Updated 8 months ago

Classes and subclasses are additional means to categorize data in QuickBooks Desktop (in addition to account, customer, vendor, etc.). For example,

  • A property management company can set up each property as a class and each apartment as a subclass.
  • A company with multiple businesses can set up each business unit (BU) as a class.
  • You can track lead sources by class (as in our sample companies).
  • You can track types of expenditures (direct labor, indirect labor, overhead, taxes, etc.).
  • If you sell through representatives or locations you could set up reps or locations as classes.

Classes are very versatile, but you must be careful to select how you filter, sort and total them, as shown in the following scenarios.

A report showing only unclassified transactions

If your P&L report shows a lot of amounts under the Unclassified column and you want to assign the correct class to these unclassified transactions, you can:

Option 1: Select each amount to open the transaction then classify it.

Option 2: Run a report showing only all the unclassified transactions.

  1. QuickZoom (double-click) on the Net Income amount in the Unclassified column to open a Transaction Detail by Account report.
  2. Memorize the report if you cannot classify all of the transactions at one sitting.

Note that as you recall a transaction, enter the appropriate classes and save it, the transaction is removed from the Transaction Detail report.

P&L report showing subclasses only

If you have the same subclass under several classes, you may want to see a P&L report showing only the same subclass (Example: Subclasses 1C, 2C, and 3C). The best that QuickBooks can do is:

  1. Run the Profit & Loss by Class report.
  2. Select the Customize Report, then go to the Filters tab.
  3. From the Filter list, select Class, then Multiple Classes. (For Mac users, check the Class box, then choose Selected classes from the class drop-down)
  4. Select only the Subclasses you want in the report.
    Example: 1C, 2C, and 3C.
  5. Choose OK. The report will include the Total column for Class 1 and Class 2 and Class 3.
  6. Export the report to Microsoft Excel or similar program.
  7. Delete the Class Total columns.
  8. Recreate the TOTAL column.

In QuickBooks for Mac, select the Filters icon to open the Report Filters window. Check or uncheck a filter to add or delete it. Select Apply and close the window to save the changes.

Unpaid Bills Detail report sorted by class

If you run the Unpaid Bills Detail report, add the Class column and opt to Sort by Class, you will not see Account = All Accounts Payable which limits the report to source information from the open bills. The class is assigned to the targets and target information is not included in the report.

You can obtain the report you need by changing the filters:

  1. Delete the Account filter.
  2. Delete the Name filter.
  3. Keep the Paid Status filter.
  4. Add the Transaction Type filter, then from the Transaction Type drop-down, choose Bill.
  5. Add the Detail Level filter and set it to All except summary.
  6. Select OK.

Now the report shows the target data from the open bills and you can sort the report by Class.

In QuickBooks for Mac, select the Filters icon to open the Report Filters window. Check or uncheck a filter to add or delete it. Select Apply, then close the window to save the changes.

AR Aging Detail report filtered by class

The report shows only invoices for which a class has been selected at the top of the invoice and the report is filtering for the A/R account. When you select a class at the top of the invoice, it associates that class with the A/R account. If an invoice has multiple classes, they would have to be selected in the Class column of the invoice and be associated with the target accounts. Since this report is not filtering for those other accounts, it will not put the invoice under the correct classes in the report.

Also, partial payments for invoices showing under a particular class will not reflect properly on this report. This is because the payments are unclassified, while the invoice you are paying may be classified. Because of this, only Unclassified balances will be correct on this report after receiving partial payments. Invoices with classes on this report must be paid in full to be correct.

  1. Customize the report (for Mac, select the Options icon), then add the column Open Balance.
  2. Remove the Balance column.

In QuickBooks for Mac, select the Filters icon to open the Report Filters window. Check or uncheck a filter to add or delete it. Choose Apply, then close the window to save the changes.

Open Accounts Receivable by class

  1. From the Reports menu, select Custom Reports > Transaction Detail.
  2. Select the Total By drop-down, then choose Class.
  3. Go to the Filters tab, then select these filters:
    • Account = All Accounts Receivable
    • Name = All customer/jobs
    • Paid Status = Open
  4. Select the Header/Footer tab, then change the report title as appropriate.
  5. Select OK to run the report, which now shows open accounts receivable transactions, totaled by class.
  6. Choose Memorize to save this report for future use.

Credit card by class

  1. Run a Balance Sheet by Class report.
  2. Under the Class, you are running the report for QuickZoom on your Credit Card account by double-clicking the Amount.
  3. If you want to rename the report prior to printing,
    1. Select Customize Report, then go to the Header/Footer tab.
    2. In the Report Title field, enter the name you want to use for the report.
    3. Select OK.

This report cannot be memorized but it can be created very quickly each time you want to use it.

QuickBooks Desktop for Mac 2020

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