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Add a Campaign Page Link to Your Email Campaign

by Intuit3 Updated 3 weeks ago

Most Mailchimp templates include a View this email in your browser link that goes to a browser-based copy of your campaign. This campaign page link helps contacts who aren't able to view your content in their email client. If you don't have this link in your campaign, or if it was accidentally deleted, we recommend adding one.

In this article, you'll learn how to add a campaign page link to your content, and how to customize or translate the link text.

How it works

By default, most Mailchimp templates include a campaign page link that goes to the browser-based copy of your email campaign. Depending on the template you work with, one of the following links may display in the preheader, and sometimes in the footer.

  • View this email in your browser.
  • Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

The campaign page link uses our *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag. When you send your campaign, we'll replace the merge tag with your active campaign page link.

Test the campaign page link

To test the campaign page link, enter Preview Mode in the Campaign Builder, and click the campaign page link.
Keep in mind that the campaign page link can't be tested in the Template Builder, template test emails or template Preview Mode. Create a campaign with your template, and test from there.

Add a campaign page link with the link tool

You can create a link to the campaign page for your sent campaign with the merge tag *|ARCHIVE|*. Make the link text whatever you want, like "View this email in your browser".

To add a campaign page link to your campaign, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Text content block where you want to put the campaign page link.
  2. Add the text you want to link.
  3. Highlight the text you added in Step 2.
    Highlighting the "View this email in your browser link"
  4. Click the Link icon in the toolbar.
    Link text button
  5. In pop-up modal, type or paste the *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag into the Web Address (URL) field, and then click Insert.
    Link modal
  6. Click Save & Close.

All set! To test the campaign page link in the Campaign Builder before you send, click the link in Preview Mode.

Add a campaign page link to custom HTML code

If you've custom-coded a template or campaign, or if you're using a Code content block, you can add a campaign page link in the HTML. Copy and paste this into your code where you want the link to appear.

<a href="*|ARCHIVE|*">View this email in your browser</a>

To test the campaign page link in the Campaign Builder before you send, click the link in Preview Mode.

Add a campaign page link to a plain-text campaign

In a Plain-Text Campaign, type the *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag where you'd like the campaign page link to appear. Here's an example.

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser: *|ARCHIVE|*

When you send your campaign, we'll replace the *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag with the full URL for the browser-based copy of your campaign.
To test the campaign page link in the Campaign Builder before you send, click the link in Preview Mode.

Troubleshooting campaign page links

If you're running into problems with your campaign page link, take a look at these common issues.

  • The link is in the wrong language, or the text isn't right.
    To change the text for the campaign page link, you'll need to add the *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag with the link tool. You can also customize the URL for your campaign.
  • I clicked the link in my template, and it takes me to an error page.
    This is expected. Campaign page links can't be tested in the Template Builder. Use your template to create a campaign in the Campaign Builder, and go to Preview Mode to test the link.
  • The link isn't working in my test email.
    Double check that you sent your test email from the Campaign Builder, not the Template Builder. Campaign page links can't be tested in or from the Template Builder.

  • The archive syntax may be incorrect.
    Make sure your link and *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag are formatted correctly. Remember, merge tags should be surrounded by asterisks and pipe characters:

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