File a corrected Federal Form 941 and 940 in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll
by Intuit•6• Updated 3 months ago
Learn how to correct or amend previously filed federal forms 941 and 940.
Made a mistake on your federal tax return? Need to correct important tax entries? You can file an amended tax form for both Federal 941 and 940. QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Enhanced allows you to file an amended tax return.
If you have QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Assisted, we pay and file taxes for you. Contact us if you need to file an amended return.
Step 1: Identify what form to use
File an amendment form as soon as you discover an error on a previously filed federal form. You can correct the error by filing these forms:
- Form 941-X for federal form 941
- For federal form 940, there's no “X” form. Use the same federal Form 940 from the year it was originally filed.
Step 2: Get to know your amendment forms
What you can correct:
Form 941-X
Use Form 941-X to correct:
- Wages, tips, and other compensation;
- Income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensation;
- Taxable Social Security wages;
- Taxable Social Security tips;
- Taxable Medicare wages and tips;
The due date for filing Form 941-X depends on when you discovered the error, and if you underreported or overreported the tax. For more details, see page 5 of Instructions for Form 941-X.
Form 940
Use the same federal form 940 from the same year it was filed. Check the amended return box in the top right corner of Form 940, page 1, box a. You can fill in all the amounts that should have been on the original form.
For more details, see Instructions for Form 940.
Step 3: Prepare and file your amendment forms
When filing for an amendment form, you must use a paper return even if you e-filed the original form. Make sure to enter the necessary liability adjustments before creating an amended return.
Form 941-X
To prepare and file Form 941-X in QuickBooks Desktop:
- Go to Employees, select Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s.
- Select Process Payroll Forms.
- In the File Forms section, select Quarterly Form 941-X - Adjusted Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return or Claim for Refund.
- Select Create Form.
- Select the Filing period you want to correct, then select OK.
- Select the return you are correcting, then select the quarter.
- Enter the calendar year you are correcting.
- Enter the date you discovered the errors. Follow the specified format.
- Select the process for correcting your employment tax:
- Underreported amounts only
- Overreported amounts only, using the adjustment process or claim process.
- Combining both under and over reported amounts on one 941-X
- Select Next, then enter the date you discovered the errors.
- Under Part 1: Select Only One Process, make sure that the process selected is the same as the Interview part of the form.
- Under Part 2: Complete the certifications, check at least one box or select all that apply. Then, select Next.
- Under Part 3, Enter the corrections for the quarter. If any line does not apply, leave it blank. Select Next.
Note: Refer to IRS Instructions for Form 941-X, for detailed instructions on how to complete the form. - Under Part 4, describe in detail each correction you entered in Part 3. You may explain in paragraph form and attach any notices from the IRS if necessary.
- Print and mail the form according to the IRS instructions for Form 941-X.
Amend Form 940
To amend Form 940 in QuickBooks Desktop:
- Go to Employees, select Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s.
- Select Process Payroll Forms.
- In the File Forms section, select Annual Form 940/Sch. A - Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return.
- Select Create Form.
- Enter the year of the filing period you want to correct, then select OK.
- Select the box for Amended Return, then select Next.
- Review the amounts on page 2 to verify these are the amounts that should have been on the original form.
- Attach a detailed explanation of why you’re amending your return.
Print and sign the form; check IRS instructions for Form 940 for mailing instructions.
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