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Learn where QuickBooks Online detail types appear on your tax forms

by Intuit106 Updated 5 months ago

In QuickBooks Online, you track all the money that comes in and out of your business by categorizing everything. The category or account you choose for a transaction determines where it will apply on your tax forms (usually Schedule C). 

To see your tax information in QuickBooks, go to Income Tax in the main menu.

Account/Category mapping

When you create a new account/category for expenses, selecting a detail type determines where it's categorized on your Income Tax page in QuickBooks and your Schedule C tax form. 

For example, when you create a new expense, if you select Advertising/Promotional under Detail Type, the expense will appear under Advertising on your Income Tax page in QuickBooks and would go on Line 8 on your Schedule C. 

This table shows how each detail type determines where your expenses and income show up on your  Income Tax page in QuickBooks and Schedule C line items. 

Detail Type (sometimes called “Tax form section”)Expense or income typeIncome Tax page category in QuickBooksTax Form Line
Sale of product incomeIncomeN/ASchedule C line 1
Discounts and refunds givenIncomeN/ASchedule C line 2 
Other miscellaneous incomeOther incomeN/ASchedule C line 6 
Advertising/PromotionalExpensesAdvertisingSchedule C line  8
Other vehicle expensesOther ExpensesOther vehicle ExpensesSchedule C line 9
Parking and tollsOther expensesParking and tollsSchedule C line 9 
Gas And fuelOther expensesGas and fuelSchedule C line 9 
Vehicle insuranceOther expensesVehicle insuranceSchedule C line 9 
Vehicle leaseOther expensesVehicle leaseSchedule C line 9 
Vehicle loan interestOther expensesVehicle loan interestSchedule C line 9 
Vehicle registrationOther expensesVehicle registrationSchedule C line 9 
Vehicle repairsOther expensesVehicle repairsSchedule C line 9 
Wash and road servicesOther expensesWash and road servicesSchedule C line 9 
Commissions and feesExpensesCommissions Schedule C line 10
CommunicationExpensesCommunicationSchedule C line 25
Cost of laborExpensesContract laborSchedule C line 11
DepreciationOther expensesDepreciationSchedule C line 13
Payroll expensesExpensesEmployee benefit programsSchedule C line 14
InsuranceExpensesInsurance Schedule C line 15
Interest paidExpensesInterest paidSchedule C line 16b
Legal & professional feesExpensesLegal and professional servicesSchedule C line 17
Office/general administrative expensesExpensesOffice expensesSchedule C line 18
ShippingExpensesOffice expensesSchedule C line 18
Equipment rentalExpensesEquipment rent and leaseSchedule C line 20a 
Rent or lease of buildingsExpensesRent and leaseSchedule C line 20b
Repair maintenanceExpensesRepairs and maintenanceSchedule C line 21
Supplies & materialsExpensesMaterials & suppliesSchedule C line 22
Taxes paidExpensesTaxes and licensesSchedule C line 23
Payroll tax expensesExpensesTaxes and licensesSchedule C line 23
TravelExpensesTravel expenses Schedule C line 24a
Travel mealsExpensesMealsSchedule C line 24b
Promotional mealsExpensesMealsSchedule C line 24b
UtilitiesExpensesUtilitiesSchedule C line 25 
Payroll wage expensesExpensesWagesSchedule C line 26
Other business expensesExpensesOther business expensesSchedule C line 27a
Bad debtsExpensesOther business expensesSchedule C line 27a
Dues & subscriptionsExpensesOther business expensesSchedule C line 27a
Home officeOther expensesOther home office expenses Form 8829
Utilities home officeOther expensesUtilities (home office) Form 8829
Homeowner rental  insuranceOther expensesHomeowner/rental insurance Form 8829
Mortgage interest home officeOther expensesMortgage interest (home office) Form 8829
Property taxes home officeOther expensesProperty tax (home office) Form 8829
Rent & lease home officeOther expensesRent and lease (home office) Form 8829
Repair & maintenance home officeOther expensesRepairs and maintenance (home office) Form 8829
Health insurance premiumsEquity Health insurance premiumSchedule 1
HSA contributionsEquity Health Savings Account contribution Schedule 1

Change a detail type

If something doesn’t look right, you can update your detail type for any account. This will change where the amounts for that account appear on your tax forms. 

To make your changes, follow these steps:

  1. In QuickBooks, make sure you are in Accountant View.
  2. Go to Settings ⚙, then Chart of accounts (Take me there)
  3. Find the account you want to change, and in the View register ▼ dropdown, select Edit.
  4. Make any changes you need in the form that appears. 
  5. Check the description of the detail type to make sure it’s what you need. If you don’t find one that fits, select the closest match. To help choose the best detail type, refer to the table in this article.  
  6. Select Save
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