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Automatically track mileage in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit94 Updated 3 weeks ago

Learn how to record business miles for one or more vehicles.

To see your labor costs using your actual payroll expenses consider adding QuickBooks Online Payroll.

Record your business miles and vehicle expenses in QuickBooks so you have everything you need to calculate deductions at tax time.

Drivers on your team can use the QuickBooks Online mobile app to track business miles. The app automatically tracks trips from start to finish. Simply turn on the mobile app and let QuickBooks handle the rest. All you have to do is categorize the trip. Here's how to get started.

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Step 1: Check your driver's user permissions

If you haven't already, here's how to change your user permissions so your driver can track their mileage. Only admin users can track mileage in QuickBooks Online.

Step 2: Turn on mileage tracking and add a vehicle

If you haven't already, set up the automatic mileage tracking feature.

Before you start tracking trips, add your vehicles to QuickBooks Online. This way, you can match trips to the right vehicle.

Step 3: Track business miles

Whenever you start driving, simply take out your mobile device and open QuickBooks Online mobile app. Keep the app open during the trip. It will detect and track the miles from start to finish.

Forgot to track a trip? No problem. You can always add trips manually:

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online in a web browser.
  2. Go to Expenses, then Mileage (Take me there).
  3. Select Add trip.
  4. Add the trip date, starting and ending locations, distance, and the purpose.
  5. Select the vehicle you used.
  6. Select Save.

Step 4: Categorize your mileage

After you reach your destination, review the trip:

On Android and iOS devices

  1. Open the QuickBooks mobile app.
  2. Select the menu ☰ icon and then Mileage.
  3. Select the Unreviewed tab.
  4. Find the trip. Swipe left to categorize the trip as Business. Or swipe right to categorize it as Personal.
  5. Add a purpose for the trip.
  6. Select the vehicle you used.
  7. Select Save.

On a web browser

  1. Go to Expenses, then select Mileage (Take me there).
  2. Find the trip and select the checkbox.
  3. Select Mark as Business or Mark as Personal for the type.
  4. Review the details.
  5. If you need to edit the location or distance, select the trip, make your changes and then select Save.

Next steps: Review, edit, or export trips

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online in a web browser.
  2. Go to Expenses, then Mileage (Take me there).
  3. Select the Unreviewed, Business, Personal, or All tab.
  4. Find and select the trip you want to edit.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Select Save.

To export your mileage data:

  1. Go to Expenses, then Mileage (Take me there).
  2. Select the dropdown arrow next to Add trip.
  3. Select Download Trips.

QuickBooks downloads your trips to your computer as a CSV file. It should be in your Downloads folder.

Fix mileage issues

Is the QuickBooks Online mobile app not tracking trips properly? Don't worry. Here's how to fix mileage tracking issues.

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