Find, review, and edit transactions in the account history in QuickBooks Online
by Intuit• Updated 2 days ago
Learn how to find transactions in your account history so you can review or edit them.
Account history lists all past and current transactions associated with the account. If you need to review your transactions or make quick edits, you can do them right from an account history. It also has filtering and sorting tools that speed up your search.
Find a transaction
There are a few ways to find what you're looking for.
Filter transactions
- Go to Settings
and select Chart of accounts (Take me there).
- Find the account you want to review. Then, in the Action column, select Account history.
- Select the Filter
icon, then select the filters you want to apply. You can use the Find field to search by amount, reference number, or memo.
- To remove a filter, select the X next to the filter name.
- Select Apply.
Sort transactions
You can sort and reorder the list of transactions by date, reference number, payee, or reconcile status. By default, your most recent transactions appear at the top.
- Hover over any column header. If a Sort icon (▲ or ▼) appears, you can sort the transactions by the value in that column.
- Select any sortable column header to sort the account history by that value by ascending or descending order.
Note: If you sort by any column other than the Date or Reconciliation status, the Balance column displays n/a.
Remove columns or change the view
You can edit the information you view within your account history by including and removing columns.
Note: Some columns will always display by default.
- Select the Settings ⚙ at the top of the list.
- Select and clear the checkboxes to hide the columns.
You can also select Paper Ledger Mode if you want your register to look like a regular chequebook.
Edit a transaction
- Find and select the transaction in the account register to expand the view.
- Make changes to the available fields.
- If you want to change something in the greyed-out sections, select Edit. This opens the full transaction form where you can make additional changes.
- When you're ready, select Save or Save and close.
Some transactions can't be edited directly in the register. You need to select the transaction and open the full form to make edits.
Note: If the transaction you want to edit is marked with the letter R, this means the transaction has already been Reconciled. In order to edit it, keep clicking on the field with the letter until the field becomes blank. Then select Save. You will now be able to edit this transaction. We recommend working with an accountant if you wish to make changes to any reconciled transactions.
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