Level 1

Account management

Hi Rea,

Thank you for the information and the link. As I am new I just wanted to confirm a few things.

1. Since I am paying vendors via the batch upload it seems that uploading Bills via the sample_bill_import.csv template makes the most sense. 

2. I do wish that there was a way to batch upload the corresponding payments however as we do many vendor payments. Based on your response it seems like we need to manually select the unpaid bills everyday and mark them paid.

3. We want to connect to as that is where the payments are currently made and are in the process of hooking up the Quickbooks company with our existing account. 


The main question is once we have QB and connected and setup for two way synchronizing how will these bills that we uploaded be cleared? It seems we have these options:

Option A: Prior to connecting QB and Bill

1. Upload bills via CSV into QB

2. Upload corresponding payments into (different specific format we already have this)

3. Pay the bills in

4. Manually mark the bills as paid in QB


Option B: After we enable QB and Bill two way integration

1. Upload bills via CSV into QB

2. Initiate payment from QB in This is what we are not sure of

3. pays the bills automatically

4. QB will sync up with and mark the bills as paid


We pay many bills per month to hundreds of Vendors which is why we need to batch the payments.


Thanks for your help and please let me know if any of the above in not clear.

Also is there any videos or help articles on integration with QB? I cannot seem to find any.


Thanks for the help!
