QuickBooks Team

Account management

We can only merge accounts one at a time in QuickBooks Online, spirani. I'll share insight when managing your Chart of Accounts in your file.


In QBO, merging duplicate accounts is permanent and can't be undone once affiliated with the other. If merging accounts have reconciliation reports, it's best to save those data first before proceeding to the next steps.


Once done, take note of the Account NameAccount Type, and Detail Type of the account. These must be the same between the accounts you want to merge.


Then, refer to the following steps to handle the duplicate account:


  1. Go back to Chart of accounts.
  2. Find the duplicate account (the one you won't keep). Then, select the dropdown ▼ in the Action column and click Edit.
  3. Change the Account name and Detail Type so the duplicate account's info exactly matches the account you want to keep. If you need to make this a subaccount, keep in mind:
    • If you're merging two parent accounts, make sure they don’t have any sub-accounts.
    • If you're merging two subaccounts, make sure they both have the same parent account.
    • If only one is a subaccount, change the Account Type to exactly match the other parent account so it becomes a parent account.
  4. Once ready, select Save and then Yesmerge accounts.


Once everything comes in handy in the future, you can start reconciling your accounts to make sure they always match your bank and credit card statements.


I'll be on this thread anytime you need further assistance merging financial accounts in your file. Stay safe.