Level 2

Bank Feed automatically splitting payments - please stop

Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to stop this, customer services completely clueless as to what I am talking about.


I have to upload a .csv for banking due to multiple issues with QuickBooks connections. I'm working with a large set of accounts whereby the client regularly pays one lump sum amount to a supplier for multiple bills. Easy enough you may think, but, for some reason, QuickBooks has splits the payment down in the reconciliation screen to match the bill payments, not what is on the bank statement.  


For example, if a lump sum payment of, say, £10.000 is paid off to one supplier for 25  bills I apply the lump sum payment from the bank upload to pay the bills, but instead of the £10,000 figure showing up on the reconciliation screen, which is what is should be doing there are now 25 individual bill amounts to be reconciled instead.  Because of the size of this account I now have to sit with a calculator and manually add up the individual amount to reconcile! What should be a simple job is now taking hours.  I phoned through to customer services, after explaining for 20 mins what the problem was and having to actually show them the .csv for them to believe me that I wasn't ‘misunderstanding’ the bank statement (hard to see how I would manage that after 30 years’ experience) I was given the advice "Leave feedback and someone will read it".  That is not good enough. Software is supposed to aid my job not hinder it.  What is now a 500 transaction statement is now over 2000 transactions, an absolute joke.


Is there a way to stop this from happening? There is no reason for this to be done this way, if a payment has gone through for £10,000 that's what should show on the reconciliation screen, not multiple smaller amounts. 

