Level 1

Can I match a deposit in the bank feed with a higher payment and a refund?

I have a customer that paid their invoice with a credit card and another that we refunded to their credit card. The credit card processor will deposit the net amount and I'm wondering how to record all this and match properly. For illustration, Customer A paid 4,000 and Customer B got refunded 500, so the net amount of the deposit that we received in the bank is 3,500 and I need to match that deposit with the 4,000 payment and a 500 refund. I tried finding the 4,000 payment in the list of transactions to match but it doesn't appear there as it is higher than the deposit (3,500) that I'm trying to match. Entered the refund manually and it also does not appear in the list of transactions to match. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Maybe there is a workaround