Level 2

Employees and payroll



Thank you for your response.


Although this solution works, Intuit is missing the point that everyone is raising. 


Previously we had an integrated, seamless  process.


We did payroll with Intuit Payroll, we pressed Export, and everything populated in QuickBooks desktop.


Then your company switched us to Quickbooks payroll on the promise of a seamless alternative. 


But it is not.


1.  If we press export at the time of creating a payroll, which is an option at the bottom of the page, after approving payroll, a file is downloaded.  From that we need to open the file and backup desktop before the file populates Desktop.


2. If we fail to press the export button, we follow your instructions and the same process occurs.  


This is not seamless. It is not as good as before and therefore  not as promised.


Plus, unless I and all of the other confused people asking the same question missed it, QB never sent a proper description of the new process to the users they abruptly transitioned.


So come on QB. Communicate and make it seamless again. With all of your resources, devote some to make this seamless.