Level 2

Employees and payroll

I'm having the same problem: The net amount I'm paying my employees is categorized as an Expense on the banking feed for my business checking account.  And then on P&L reports, Quickbooks Payroll is sending its data (which is gross payroll costs).  These two entries do not "match" bc they are different amounts. Quickbooks can't find a match when I try. One is the net pay and the other is gross pay.  The difference is "balanced" by expense payments made to tax agencies, categorized as "Payroll Taxes."  NET PAY + PAYROLL TAXES = GROSS PAY ("Payroll Check" on P&L)


So how am I suppose to tell the P&L report to exclude the NET PAY entries categorized as "Expense" ? 


Ps I'm a novice here.  I really don't understand how Match works except for transfers.