Level 1

Need to get 940 and 941 filings from the period of time when I was on Assisted Payroll

I was on Assisted Payroll for about a year starting in early 2019. I've recently realized that I don't have any of the 941 or 940 filings that were done for me by Intuit during this time. I'd just started this business and didn't think about making sure I had copies of all of the paperwork that Intuit was doing on my behalf. I've since learned QB a lot better and switched to Enhanced Payroll. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get copies of the 940 and 941 filings that Intuit did while I was on Assisted. I've searched the internet, searched QB help, and both called and chatted with Intuit payroll support, both times for over two hours. The first support call ended with the agent telling me that she was literally looking at my filings on her screen but that she had no way to securely get them to me and therefore I was out of luck. The second chat ended with the agent saying that I needed to log in to the Assisted Payroll portal but that I couldn't do that because I wasn't an active Assisted Payroll subscriber and that he couldn't help me any further and to call a phone number for more assistance. Of course I called the phone number and got a recording saying that the number was no longer operational and to use F1 inside QB.


I've now spent over a day and two support engagements just trying to get the 940 and 941 forms that Intuit filed on my behalf so that I can satisfy good document retention practices. I know Intuit has them since both agents told me they could see them. I was paying for the Assisted Payroll service at the time the forms were generated and filed and Intuit doesn't seem to disagree that I have the right to have them. They just can't figure out how to get them to me. I even asked if they could just print and mail them to me. No dice.


I'm just really frustrated and surprised that Intuit can't:

a) supply me with tax forms that they filed on my behalf

b) stop giving out a support phone number that's been shut down for many months (a different agent gave me the same number months ago to call regarding a different issue and I got the same recording way back then so this is not a recent change)

c) give me any reasonable reason why they can't do item a.
