Level 2


One of the big problems is in the "Shipping Window" that Pops up when you are shipping something.  It uses a Legacy 32 intergrader (this is a Microsoft application). When you first start QB and ship something the window will pop up but if you don't wait about 30 seconds for the integrator to fully open...The program will freeze and you have to restart QuickBooks (QB).  We find ALWAYS waiting about 30 seconds to start shipping something keeps the system from freezing.  


After the initial shipment is made the pop up screen does not pop up anymore...but it is the icon is in the Microsoft windows systems tray. If you don't click on the icon QB will not let you do anything else.


Microsoft says it is QB problem and QB says it is a Microsoft problem. The fact is this worked before the 2023 and 2024 QB upgrades, so I say it has to to be a QB problem.  This is very annoying and QB doesn't seems to be able to fix it.