Level 1

QuickBooks Database Server Manager

Must we install the QuickBooks Database Server Manager on the server if we do not have multiple users accessing the same Quickbooks file. 

I work for a small accounting company and they received lots of Quick Book files from their clients. The staff uploads the file to the server's shared drive and process the work using their desktop where Quicbooks is installed. There is never more then one person in the quickbooks file at a time.

We are considering moving to AWS and I wanted to know if I can just create an S3 bucket to store all the data, map the S3 to their desktop and have them work just like a file server in the office.  


To support the QB Database server Manager I would need to create an EC2, Install QuickBooks Database Server Manager on it, attached the S3 to the EC2 and have the server manager scan for Quickbooks files.


Your feedback is appreciated. 
