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I am in the exact same boat as you are.  I spent hours working on it yesterday and got nowhere.  I tried to upload the transactions manually using a qbo file but that was a mess and nearly all of them were duplicates so I just deleted them from bank feeds and decided to work on it more today.  Then this morning I was able to setup my AMEX feed again but when I clicked sync I got the exact same error you did.


You will be interested to hear this next part, as I am sure everyone reading this thread at the beginning of August will.  While downloading that qbo file yesterday I was presented this message on the AMEX website:


Because of a recent change, you may need to update your connection between American Express and Quickbooks or Quicken.


It didn't show up until I selected quickbooks as the "download" type.  So clearly something changed that Intuit has not caught up with yet.  I suppose it could be AMEX's issue too.  I just hope it gets fixed by the end of the week.