Level 2

ProAdvisor Training knowledge check problem

From the ProAdvisor Training Path, course name "Introduction to Bookkeeping" sub-course name "working with disbursements," I'm stuck on the "Bookkeeper Challenge Exercise 2" knowledge check.  I'm using an excel sheet downloaded in the prior course ("Working with Receipts").  I can't find a single answer in the knowledge check that looks correct!  There are 7 possible answers to 4 questions and not one of them in the dropdown looks correct.  I chatted with QBO said they don't have any problems with that test, so I guess I'm the problem.  Somebody help please?  I'm stuck on training till I can answer all 4 questions correctly.  I understand the concepts; I think the multiple choice answers are either wrong, or not all options are displayed, or a critical question is missing from the quiz.
