Level 1

Backup and Restore Not Replicating Backup

I have a strange situation here.  I am setting up a new file and cognizant that I may enter information incorrectly.  Because of that, I have created "complete" backups of my account in Backup and Restore.  Today, I created a backup at 10:30am.  Around noon, I imported information which generated 500 products and 500 accounts.  These were done incorrectly, unfortunately.  No sweat, though, I'll just restore from my 10:30am backup.  I ran restore and it completed successfully.  Unfortunately, all 500 products and 500 accounts remain in my account.  QBO Support tells me "that's just how it works" and information such as products and accounts won't be "removed" form a Restore.  That sounds completely wrong based on any reasonable understanding of how a Restore would work (take a snapshot of everything, overwrite everything with that snapshot).  Am I being misinformed?