QuickBooks Team

Other questions

Hello there, @SHC1350


This isn't the customer service we want you to experience and I understand how it feels when something isn't working the way it uses to. 


You can access your QuickBooks account first using a private browser. This way you can isolate if this is a browser-related issue.


Here are the different keyboard shortcuts to open a private browser:


  • Google Chrome: press Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: press Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Safari: press Command + Shift + N


If you're able to run payroll, you can go back to your regular browser and clear its cache and cookies to remove your temporary internet files.


In case the problem persists, I'd also recommend using other supported browsers to open your account.


To help us resolve the investigation, I'd suggest contacting our QuickBooks Online Support Team. This way, you'll be added to the list of affected users and be able to receive updates via email.


We appreciate your patience. I'll keep you updated through this thread. Please let me know whenever you need help with your QuickBooks account.